Okay, so this is not my best image, but in my defense these were for a toddler pollyanna party so you can imagine the chaos that was going on behind me! I had one shot to get these photos and didn't have time to make it look pretty!

If THIS does not make your child want to reach for the veggies and fruit during the holiday season though!!!!!

Mind you, for both you can really just let your creativity lead but I'll share what I used! 

Veggie Tray: You Will Need

1-2 dips for variety! 
(I used two store bought yogurt-based dips, cucumber dill and ranch flavor)
Grape Tomatoes
Snap Peas
Small slice of a cucumber
3 Olives
3 Circular Containers varying in size

Fruit Tray: You Will Need

1-2 Dips for variety!
(I used a cool whip and a store bought yogurt dip)
3 Circular Containers Varying in Size

*When choosing veggies/fruit make sure you choose ones that are easy to dip!


1. This takes more logistical planning than anything. Start with whatever serving dish you will be keeping this on and that you can also STORE if needed! 

2. Arrange dip containers first and then fill in fruit and veggies! I used containers that had lids so afterwards if there was leftovers I could throw the lid on and put them back in the fridge! 

3. For the veggie snowman, I cut two cucumber strips longways to separate the tomatoes and carrots and to serve as arms! For the fruit, I did the same with apples

4. For the veggie snowman, I used olives for the eyes and buttons. I used a carrot cut in half longways and then cut into a nose shape. For the fruit snowman, I used a few cranberries I happened to have laying around but you could definitely just use berries too! 

5. Enjoy! 
