Dinner Time! Today's Menu: Breakfast for Dinner

The Menu: Breakfast for Dinner!

Okay, I am totally one of those weird people who never really craves eggs first thing in the morning but I LOVE it for dinner. Making this dinner healthy is not too complicated so I will not insult your intelligence my friends but I will give you a couple of my tricks! 

1. Eggs
* ALWAYS throw veggies in - such an easy way to get some extra veggies in you
* I do half egg whites, half with yolk. I love yellow eggs so I compromise

(The ones in the picture have spinach and peppers, then sprinkled with cheese at the very end... and hot sauce)

2. Breakfast Meat
I always go turkey meat. The differences are not life altering, but enough that I prefer it. I am going to talk specifically turkey bacon versuses pork bacon here since I used turkey bacon tonight:

- Turkey bacon is less in calories
- However, it is also less in protein
- Turkey is higher in iron and phosphorus
- Turkey has less fat and way less saturated fat
- It does have less of those ingredients I cannot even say let alone spell :)

3. Toast
I usually go either whole wheat or rye bread. I LOVE TOAST. It's actually my favorite part of this meal ;) 
Tip! I put coconut oil on my toast instead of butter. It still tastes delicious and has that melted buttery texture. 
