Gimme Fall!!! Cinnamon Pumpkin Oats


All the fall flavor, none of the added fake ingredients or sugars loaded in a pumpkin spice latte. I have to admit I wish I could go back just for a DAY to 24 year old Katie and drink a pumpkin spice latte in peace 😂 but now that I know all that's in there the magic of it is gone for me, I can't sip one without thinking "fake" or "sugar bomb". Ah, ignorance is bliss!!! 

Anyway, in two kid world we are also all about easy and quick over here - from blogs to recipes - so lets get to it!!!!! You can literally whip up this fall treat for yourself in 5 minutes, I had it today after a run and it was perfection!

You Will Need:


Oats (Bob's Red Mill GF Oats are my fav)

1/2 Banana

1 Tbsp. Pure Pumpkin Puree

1 Tbsp. All Natural Peanut Butter (you know, without the seed oils in the ingredients please!) 

Toppings: Cinnamon, Nutmeg and Honey


Literally cook oats according to package, mix and go! 

Pro tip: I love using a crunchy PB to add in a little texture! 

Another Pro Tip: Drop your PB on the bottom of the bowl before you drop the finished oats so it gets EXTRA gooey and melted! I usually drop my banana there too! 
